PICTORIAL: Annual UVA Exhibition and symposium gets underway in Mbale

Vet doctors at work in Mbale on Wednesday
➡️DAY 1

Farmer training and exhibition


MBALE – THE annual Uganda Veterinary Association 3-in-one series of activities — A farmers engagement plus exhibition, to be followed by a Symposium and AGM – are underway in Mbale.

Hundreds attended the exhibition and special training and pets were brought for treatment on the first day, Wednesday.

The Uganda Veterinary Association (UVA) together with her partners are hosting the three days of activities at Mbale Courts View Hotel.

Deputy Mayor Mbale and UVA President Kasibule open exhibiton Wedensday

Veterinarians, veterinary paraprofessionals, and livestock farmers are expected to attend and UVA will have them trained in new technologies in the livestock sector.  Pre-conference activities included out reaches to farmers, vaccination of livestock and pets.

“The primary objective of the conference is to offer an opportunity to members of the veterinary fraternity, public and development partners to reflect on and discuss all aspects of veterinary services in an open supportive and intellectually stimulating environment that contribute to national development,” said Dr. Obbo Boniface, General Secretary UVA.

The conference will be held under the theme: A people centered veterinary services for socio-economic transformation.


🔴 FLASH BACK – Conference 2022 in Masaka


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